Now you might think that these are just random jumbles of letters and numbers, but there is some method in the apparent madness. As you can see from the diagram above, the first two letters are geographic tags, and the first two numbers are date codes. So, like some twisted alphabet primer, here's a list of what all those geographic tags stand for:
- A is for Anglia: Peterborough (AA-AN), Norwich (AO- AU) and Ipswich (AV-AY)
- B is for Birmingham
- C is for Cymru (Wales): Cardiff (CA-CO), Swansea (CP-CV) and Bangor (CW-CY)
- D is for Deeside: Chester (DA-DK) and Shrewsbury (DL-DY)
- E is for Essex
- F is for Forest & Fens: Nottingham (FA-FP) and Lincoln (FR-FY)
- G is for the Garden of England: Maidstone (GA-GO) and Brighton (GP-GY)
- H is for Hampshire: Bournemouth (HA-HJ) and Portsmouth (HK-HY). HW is for the Isle of Wight.
- K is for Luton and Northampton (yes, go figure): Luton (KA -KL) and Northampton (KM-KY)
- L is for London: Wimbledon (LA-LJ), Stanmore (LK-LT) and Sidcup (LU-LY)
- M is for Manchester and Merseyside: Manchester (MA – MY) and Merseyside (MN). MAN is for the Isle of Man.
- N is for the North: Newcastle (NA-NO) and Stockton (NP-NY)
- O is for Oxford
- P is for Preston: Preston (PA -PT) and Carlisle (PU-PY)
- R is for Reading
- S is for Scotland: Glasgow (SA-SJ), Edinburgh (SK-SO), Dundee (SP-ST), Aberdeen (SU - SW) and Inverness (SX-SY)
- V is for the Severn Valley: Worcester (VA – VY)
- W is for the West of England: Exeter (WA-WJ), Truro (WK WL) and Bristol (WM -WY)
- Y is for Yorkshire: Leeds (YA- YK), Sheffield (YL - YU) and Beverley (YV-YY)
So, at a glance, you can see where and when a car was born - or at least first registered.
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